Sunday, September 10, 2017

Math Skills - What can you expect in Babies

Every child is different and they develop at their own rate, but you can expect them to meet certain milestones at around the same time.

Maths doesn't imply numbers only, it also means analytical skills and logical reasoning! And this is something which realising early will help us with our kid's math development!

  • Babies begin to understand sequence of event. Like "running water" means bath time.
  • Understanding of cause and effect. Like shaking a rattle will produce a sound. Or throwing something will make a crashing sound and something will happen (I guess thats why babies and toddlers do that)
  • They start to classify things, like what is near and far, soft and hard, what makes noise and what doesn't, etc.
  • They can differentiate between big and small, near and far, loud and soft.
  • They start to also understand words and gestures spoken often, like enough.

What you can do:

Speak with them as often as possible, you may feel they may not understand, but they do. And thats how they also pick up on language!

Rush rush rush.. to gather (non battery operated) toys, like rattles and soft toys, scrunchy cloth books (that make noise), etc

Playing games, like peek-a-boo - I still remember my daughter laughing and giggling at this one! Its like a cause and effect game.

Try to schedule the day for them - I know this one is a bit difficult with their ever changing time to eat and sleep and other errands going around, but what one can do to make it more scheduled, is doing the same thing around the same time. Like reading a book, or taking a bath after breakfast, etc.

Keep them away from bright lights and loud sounds
If you have any more questions, do feel free to drop in, in the comments section below!! 

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