Monday, September 4, 2017

12types of Play - SOLITARY PLAY

This is when children start to play on their own!
However, they do NOT notice other children sitting or playing nearby during this type of play.

In this social stage, a child should be acquainted with different color types - contrast as well as opposite like black and white!

Age appropriate #sensorygames can also be introduced at this stage.
We got a special "tummy time" book for little D, with vibrant colors and different textures for her to sense and explore!

Start #raisingareader at this stage!
You may feel confused whether or not they understand anything, but trust me, they do! They may not reciprocate at this stage but they listen😇

This is FIRST stage of social and emotional development too!
What they need right now is YOU and your undivided attention and love❤️ #12differenttypesofplay

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