Could you ever believe that a "two year old's life" could be as busy as a grownup!
Here's a glimpse!
Understanding color mixing: Here I chose the basic colors red and blue. My daughter was having some problem using the dropper but she learnt quickly! We added a paper, for less mess and in the end she was putting the color on it too..the effect was amazing!!
Get free printables of the alphabets online (the catchy ones like this) and your kids will surely want to be involved.
The basic idea behind this is their "exposure" to the alphabet.
I did not impose anything!! She knows an apple when she sees one.. I just had to guide her towards the "A"
(some of you might notice the scissors and be like Oh!my God you gave her scissors and so on.. please note, I'm always there with her when she uses them. Also, she's more careful than I am to hurt herself! Plus, all this is just in our minds, these kids are capable of doing much more!!!)
We did lots of activities related to this.. First, I cut lots of BIG lettered As from the newspapers and let her paste them (that was fun!). Then, we put stickers on the A (as shown above) and I also let her cut the paper (she's really into cutting and pasting these days) following her lead!
They may not do what you expect them to, but exposure plays a major role in developing a child's knowledge I have seen!
When nothing else worked, Slime came to the rescue!
Oh how we love slimes and we are cutting them too...I make lots of different color batches (so she gets exposed to differentiating colors too!)
Guess who else joined us in the fun... Lol the Dad's like the messy part the most!
We do lots of cleaning around and helping Mumma cook too..
I don't really stop her.. I know if dealt in the right way, she can learn so many skills, become more independent and confident!
Ofcourse we are humans (and a Mom) so stopping them once in a while does happen, but I do consciously try not to!
We made spinach and egg pancake that day..(not sweet)
It turned to be fish shape..Lol!
And ofcourse, we had parties to attend.. how can I forget :D
My daughter has started co-playing now, beginning of a new phase.. and her phase of BIG emotions too..
Which makes me wanna be more sensitive towards what she wants to do and how she feels about certain things. It may be called "terrible twos" but its actually a very crucial time for overall development, so however exhausting it might be, I'm at it!
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